viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011


Transfer desde o hacia el Aeropuerto.
Transfer from or to the Airport.


Ubicado a sólo 40 minutos de la ciudad de Ushuaia.Uno de los complejos de ski más modernos del país. Cuenta con complejos de telesillas importadas de Francia.
El Cerro Castor se ha convertido en los últimos años en uno de los centros invernales más populares de Sudamérica, por poseer varias ventajas comparativas con respecto a otros centros. Entre ellas está la extensa temporada para esquiar que comienza en el mes de junio y finaliza a mediados de octubre. Por otra parte la buena calidad de la nieve en polvo, ideal para esta actividad.
Transfer diarios de ida por la mañana y de regreso por la tarde.

Located just 40 minutes from Ushuaia city. It is one of the newest skying center in our country.
It has a complex of chair lift imported from France.
During the last years Cerro Castor became one of the most popular winter centers in Southamerica because of the comparing advantages it has. Among them there are the excellent quality of snow (powder snow) ideal for this activity.

Daily transfers in the morning and return in the afternoon.


OPTION Nº 1:NATIONAL PARK  ( 4 hours tour ).
This beautiful place is located very close to the port.
In the way to the park we will drive through the city. After arriving to the park we proceed to stop at Ensenada Bay where the end of the world post office is. Over there  tourists have the chance to stamp their passports as a souvenir.
Then we head towards Roca Lake, where guests can take a peaceful and lovely  walking surrounding part of the lake, taking magnificent photos, arriving after a couple of minutes to a coffee shop where you will be able to purchase hot chocolate and/or snacks while enjoying of a panoramic view of the mountains, forest and rivers( it is recommended to take USD 20 per person for having a snack at this stopped ).
Finally we drive to the end of Panamerican highway where there is a famous sign that has the distances from Alaska up to there.
(As part of the service we provide you with one bottle of water per person).